Collision Drumsticks Endorsement

I am very excited to announce that I am officially a Collision Drumsticks artist !!!!. To put it simply, these are the best drumsticks I’ve ever used and the team at Collision has an enthusiasm that is contagious and inspiring. I look forward to a long, healthy partnership! Here is the official announcement:

"A R T I S T / / A N N O U N C E M E N T

We are extremely proud to sign Joshua Van Ness to the Collision Drumsticks Roster! We are thrilled to welcome Joshua as an Approach level Collision artist. Joshua plays with 7A Standard Collision Drumsticks.

Joshual is an incredible ambassador for the Collision brand and fully endorses our products, stating:

"I play Collision's 7A sticksCollision's sticks are incredibly well balanced, durable and consistent.I recommend Collision's sticks because of their quality and their great feel!"

Check out Joshual discussing sticks, music and more below!

Visit Joshua's Artist profile:"